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Human Resource Services in Mauritius- Expertability


Human resource management is a central pillar of many organizations. Our team holds expertise for activities spanning a wide variety of core Human resources functions that can be tailored according to the requirements of the organisation to minimize cost and enable the organization to focus on core activities.

Resource Planning and Recruitment and Selection

You need to build or extend your current team, or you need to acquire new talents, we find the right and suitable employee for your organization
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  • Identifying and fulfilling talent needs through recruitment
  • Posting job requirements on various recruitment channels, including professional social networking sites 
  • Shortlisting appropriate candidates through personalized offline and online methods 
  • Interview and talent management through screening of recruits, behavioral competency assessments, skills assessment to the best suitable candidates for further rounds of interview
  • Advice on Selection of candidates
  • Handling the final procedure of document collection and verification of the selected candidate
  • Maintaining ethical hiring practices and aligning with the regulatory environment

Salary, Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits are elements that form part of the motivation of employees. Therefore, Set the tone and get it right to have your employees motivated Thus we assist you in identifying the appropriate compensation structure, salary and benefits based on role, performance, and legal requirements for your employees
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  • Ensuring compliance with legal (MRA, Remuneration Order, Finance Act and Workers’ Rights Act) and cultural expectations when it comes to employee compensation
  • Setting compensation levels to match the market, using benchmarks such as industry standards for a given job function
  • Provide advice on raises and other compensation and benefits increases and/or decreases with employees in the organization to align with the Worker’s Rights Act
  • Advice on financial impact of any type of workers compensations or raises

Strategic support to Employee and labor relations

We assist in creating and maintaining a positive relationship with the employees through mediation to prevent and resolve problems or disputes between employees and management
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  • Managing Termination and Redundancy
  • Mediating disagreements between employees and employers
  • Mediating disagreements between employees and other employees
  • Considering claims of harassment and other workplace abuses
  • Discussing employee rights with unions, management, and stakeholders
  • Acting as the voice of the organization and/or the voice of the employees during any broader organizational issues pertaining to employee welfare
  • Inquiry of claims to establish causes and validity of claims made to give advice on remedial solution or compensations or any other actions 
  • Disciplinary Committees procedures and handling
  • Mediating between Labour office and the employer/ employees in labour cases

Developing your people

An organization that wants to spread its wings must continuously seek for the development of their employees coupled with reward programmes for higher performance
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  • On-boarding new and experienced employees on (TNA) Training needs analysis – for a developmental approach to existing resources
  • Training and Skills Development of Employees (MQA Approved Training Centre and HRDC Refunded courses)
  • Preparing management prospects and providing feedback to employees and managers.
  • Performance management and evaluation of employees to ensure consistency and efficiency of the employees
  • Feedback and rewards management

Safety and Health

Achieving best practices in various industries include careful considering of safety and health concerns for employees
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  • Carrying safety and health audit to ensure compliance with legal requirements based on job function for safety measures 
  • Implementing new safety measures when laws change in a given industry
  • Discussing safety and compliance with relevant departments involved
  • Risks assessment and provide solutions to reduce accidental risk
  • Provide advice on safety and health measures to be taken in case of injury and accident at work
  • Chairing of safety and health meeting

HR Legal and compliance excellence

Some basic HR practices are required by law and with which all employers, no matter how large or small they are, are required to comply. Get these basic things right and the rest begins to fall into place. We assist organizations to stay compliant and avoid legal issues relating to HR to remain stress free
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  • Assures compliance in accordance with the rules, regulations, laws and Remuneration orders other requirements to which your organisation is subject
  • Provide advice on legal process and procedures for the good functioning of the HR department of your organization
  • Evaluate work practices for non-compliance on an ongoing basis, and implement modifications
  • Advice on how to minimize lawsuits or regulatory violations to avoid high costs

HR Policies and procedures

In simpler words, We create the most effective and suitable HR policies and procedure guidelines that outline what can and can not be done by people of your organization. It will set the parameters for ideal code of conduct and work attitude.
This covers the employment aspects and HR management principles starting from recruitment, Performance management, leave & attendance management, training and promotions to employee, incentives and selection processes.
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  • Support in writing and evaluating policies and procedures to ensure that the legal and business requirements are met
  • Drafting of work agreements and employee manual in legal compliance 
  • Job description and re-engineering of job title to meet the requirement of the labour market
  • Drafting of the employee manual or working procedures

Organisational development

With constant changes in technology and methods of work due to innovation, it becomes necessary for the organization to adapt to the changing environment and live with the pace of change. For example, flexible hours of work, work from home, digitalisation, new methods of communication have revolutionised the working environment to which you need to adapt taking into consideration attitudes, efficiency, productivity and outcomes.
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  • Assist in planning the changes, adapting the requirements of the legal framework
  • Training and developing the employees to adapt to the changes with the right attitude.
  • HR Audits to identify whether an HR department’s specific practice areas or processes are adequate, legal and effective. 
  • Identify gaps in HR practices

Get in Touch

Come and visit our quarters or simply send us an email anytime you want. We are open to all suggestions from our clients.
Registered Office
Residence Bara
Lot 154, Morcellement VRS 2
Training Centre
La Marie Road
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Strategic support to serve your HR needs, Mauritius
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Expertability is a human resources outsourcing, consulting and staffing company, providing strategic support to serve your HR needs
Strategic support to serve your HR needs, Mauritius
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GET IN TOUCHExpertability Social links
Expertability is a human resources outsourcing, consulting and staffing company, providing strategic support to serve your HR needs

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